The Department of Electrical Engineering
Politeknik Ungku Omar,
Jalan Raja Musa Mahadi,
31400 Ipoh, Perak.
05 – 545 7622 | 05 – 545 7260
05 – 547 1162
Offers engineering programs at Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO) since the year 1969 until now. The programmes offered are Diploma in Electronic Engineering (Communication), Diploma in Electronic Engineering (Computer) and Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Engineering Technology Accreditation Council (ETAC) accreditation recognition. In line with PUO’s mission to produce graduates who are holistic, competent in technology and entrepreneurial based, the Department of Electrical Engineering will ensure that graduates for each program can achieve that mission by implementing program completion based on a syllabus that meets the requirements of the industry as well as the 4IR revolution, providing a conducive learning environment and competent educators. The Department of Electrical Engineering is led by the Head of Department, who is assisted by Head of Programmes, academic staff according to programme area and support staff together to ensure that the teaching and learning process is carried out smoothly for students. The infrastructure facilities in the Department of Electrical Engineering consist of 17 lecture rooms, 24 laboratories and 1 lecture hall which are capable of aiding the teaching and learning process for DEP, DTK and DEE program students.
Industry based activities have been planned and implemented to realize the vision of Politeknik Ungku Omar to become a industry driven premier TVET institution. The active collaboration of several industries that have a high impact on the program has been implemented such as the International Skills Partnerships (ISP) Program in collaboration with West Lothian College (Scotland), UK and Carsem (M) Sdn Bhd, supported by the British Council (UK) and the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) to improve skills in the field of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) with the production of Additional Modules from the sharing of expertise (Subject Matter Expert) of Electrical Department lecturers and Carsem industrial engineers. This program can bridge the skills gap between graduates and industry (ready to work). Carsem also contributed Industry Awards to outstanding graduates during the PUO Convocation Ceremony. The involvement of other collaborative industries such as PCOM Technologies Sdn Bhd, Murata Sdn Bhd, MK Management Sdn Bhd, MyInvent Technologies Sdn Bhd, Galaxy Group of Companies and others, who carry out the activity of industry based visiting lecturers can also contribute to the sharing of industry expertise with students and lecturers.
The lecturers also have certificates of competence according to the field in line with the requirements of the industry in Malaysia as well as at the international level such as in the field of fibre optic namely FTTH Asia Pacific Council, CFOT (FOA), CFOS-H (FOA), CFOS-T (FOA), TMCA-1C, TMCA -2C and TM-NIOSH. Apart from that, lecturers also have competence in IPC SPECIALIST 610 Rev. D, COMPTIA A +, Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Process Training, Autodesk AutoCAD Certified Professional (AutoCAD:Pro) and etc. In order to ensure the marketability of graduates, JKE also organises the KPT-CAP Inside and Outside Fibre Plant: Installer and Tester Generator Program which targets workforce needs in the field of Fibre Optics in line with the development of digital technology mainly FTTH or 5G which is growing in Malaysia today. Selected industries also share and provide students with the exposure to the field of IoT and 4IR revolution, allowing it to be absorbed into students’ projects.
The excellent achievements of lecturers and students in research and innovation activities are demonstrated by participation in research paper seminars as well as success in national and international innovation competitions. The achievements are such as Gold Medal RIE: A Scannable Solution for Fiber Optic Training (International Innovation Fair 2019), Gold Medal for invention i-Tester (Macao Innovation and Invention Association 2019), Gold Medal : i-Tester (New Horizon KIK Convention JPPKK National Level), 5 Silver Award Student Innovation Project (International Science And Social Science Innovation Competition 2020) and Silver Award & Best Transformative Curriculum And Teaching Methods : Circuit Assembly Aids (RESPEX 2021, JPPKK). This achievement is a brilliant image of the Department of Electrical Engineering, coinciding with PUO’s slogan: HOME OF TVET CHAMPIONS.